KARES Foundation Strategic Plan

In March of 2023, the KARES Board of Directors approved our first Strategic Plan for 2023-2025.

Goal 1: Improve Systems and Structures to Support Our Work

This goal acknowledges KARES work is expanding rapidly and that our infrastructure needs to grow to support it.

  • Objective 1.1 - Expand staff, intern and volunteer capacity, enhance capacity development, and implement practices that prioritize the well-being of KARES staff and volunteers.

  • Objective 1.2 - Implement project planning and information technology tools to track our goals and streamline our work plans and communication.

Goal 2: Strengthen Our Community and External Partnerships

The mission and work of KARES are a big task for one organization. To ensure best practices and long-term sustainability, we will work to strengthen and track collaboration with partners.

  • Objective 2.1 - Strengthen collaboration with existing partners and community members through family education, networking, conferences, and mentoring to/from other patient advocacy groups.

  • Objective 2.2 - Cultivate new partnerships in order to enhance our work so that we may provide existing resources to families rather than recreate them.

  • Objective 2.3 - Map and assess these partnerships in an ongoing way.

Goal 3: Expand Capabilities for Funding Diversification

To safeguard the sustainability and potential growth of the KARES Foundation and its programs, we will grow our work through pursuing new opportunities to seek funds.

  • Objective 3.1 - Assess opportunities to seek both one-time and multi-year grant funding from private and public funders.

  • Objective 3.2 - Diversity the KARES Foundation’s financial resource base to grow our operations, programming and impact.

Goal 4: Bolster Collaboration in KDM5C and Cross-Disease Research

The KARES Foundation aims to support science that will ultimately target treatments for KDM5C genetic variants.

  • Objective 4.1 - Support useful, standardized and secure data collection on KDM5C patients to expand our research network.

  • Objective 4.2 - Develop a Research Grant Program to provide seed grants to interested scientific and medical researchers on a yearly basis.

  • Objective 4.3 - Hold a yearly virtual research symposium to engage research and clinician partners at academic institutions within and outside of the US.

  • Objective 4.4 - Hold one in-person Family and Science Convening during this strategic plan cycle and at least every three years thereafter.

KARES 2023-2025 Strategic Plan by KARES Foundation